This is a thick, creamy and exotically flavorful honey, but it is not
inexpensive. I love
Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey, but purchase it only
as a special treat, for the cost otherwise is prohibitive. This is hands down the best honey I have ever put in my mouth. In fact,
it's so good that I give it annually for Christmas gifts. This is truly an exceptional honey.
I spent 5 years in Australia many years ago. That's when I learned of
this honey. It has been my favorite ever since. It truly is "nectar of
the Gods". I have a peanut butter/ leatherwood honey sandwich every
day. |
If you love honey, give this a try!
It's not pasteurized, so it's won't flow like liquid honey. Instead, it
needs to be coaxed out with a little spoon or knife. This honey is very strong flavored, but once you
get used to it, you'll be doing yourself a favor. This is the good
stuff, not the crap in plastic teddy bear bottles we sell in the states.
- Comes in a decorative reusable container.
- Creamy rich texture.
- Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey, found
only in Australia's island state, Tasmania, boasts the world's cleanest
air and water and has some of world's most primitive and ancient and
unspoiled rainforests. Leatherwood honey is renowned for its unusual
floral bouquet. It possesses a fragrance like no other and a taste which
no adjectives can adequately describe. Place a blob in your mouth and
your senses are instantly awakened by the piquant perfumes of the
Leatherwood blossoms. The aroma is robust, yet so lovely and pleasing to
the palate.
- Like red wine is to grape juice,
Leatherwood honey is the red wine of honey. Leatherwood trees are indeed
special. The grow in the remote Northwest rainforests of Tasmania.
It is so delicious,
and fragrant with the scent of pure flowers, you may get dizzy with
Leatherwood Honey is sustainably produced with tremendous care given to
bees (no bee colony collapses have been reported in Tasmania). It's no
wonder why Leatherwood Honey is recognized by honey connoisseurs as one
of the finest and rarest honey in the world.
You can't go wrong with this honey. I have
loved it my whole life and has a unique aroma that takes me right back
to the fragrant Aussie bush.
Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey from Pristine Australian Rainforests is an irreplaceable
honey and definitely one which is worth a try. I know I do.
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